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Some of the best memories in our lives were as kids in the 90’s. 

It was a generation of kids who had the best of both worlds. 

We played outside until the streetlights came on, watched the same TV shows after school together, and were the first to fully adapt to the internet. 

We are a unique generation, and there will never be another like us.

That is why we started Totally 90’s Kid. For the people just like us who want to relive childhood memories and the good times with our friends and family. 

The only thing we can take with us are our memories. 

Selfishly we are still kids at heart and love the nostalgia, the excitement, and the care-free lifestyle feelings and want everyone to resist growing up (on the inside)

Our Facebook page is full of memes as memories to help remind ourselves that life was simpler when we were kids, that we don’t need to be so serious as adults too. 

Everyone still has a kid inside of them and even for a moment if we are able to help bring back a memory that was once lost that brought you joy, that is enough for us. 

Every t-shirt is custom made and designed and inspired by the 90’s. 

What if we could make the world a better place by selling nostalgic t-shirts? 

What if every time you wear one of our t-shirts it brings you joy and helps you have a great day. 

Would you treat your spouse, kids, co-worker,  kids, or random stranger differently if you were in a better mood? 


These shirts should help spark memories for you to feel happiness about a fun time in your life, but it should also help you help others find joy through your actions and conversations today. 

What if a t-shirt really could bring us together?

Because if you are anything like us, there isn’t anything you wouldn’t do to go back to being 10 years old riding your bike with friends and not having a care in the world. 

Let’s spread happiness and joy throughout the world with iconic t-shirts inspired by memories of a not so distant past. 

We believe in leaving the world a better place than we found it, so for every purchase of support we will donate a percentage to a local or national charity. 

Here’s to you, one of us, a Totally 90’s Kid.


Daniel Garcia

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